Going My Way Part 2 - Options for Our Bodies at the End of Life - Organ & Body Donation

Going My Way

sponsored by the Concord Quarter Working Group on Aging Concerns
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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End of life decisions involving our bodies can lead us to choose a path which helps others in need. In Part 2 of our exploration on options for our bodies at end of life we will hear from representatives of organizations that assist in body and organ donation.

Colleen Brand, is the Volunteer Coordinator for Gift of Life. Gift of Life, headquartered in Philadelphia,  coordinates the recovery of organs and tissues for transplant. The complex organ and tissue donation and transplant process involves collaborating with highly skilled medical professionals at many different levels.

Clariza Murray is the Manager at the Humanity Gifts Registry, a body donation center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For the last 25 + years, she's helped dying people and their families make difficult decisions about donating their bodies to science.

In addition to these presenters,  one of the members of Concord Quarter’s Aging Concerns group will provide information on human composting, referencing a Delaware State bill legalizing this experience.

Posted on February 27, 2025 .