How difficult is it for our Meetings to listen to a calling from the Spirit?
Quarterly Meeting at Concord - Investing in the Manner of Friends
All the information you wanted to know about this unique Quaker institution.
Quarterly Meeting at Birmingham April 22 - Encounters with Fox
Learn about George Fox, his life and ideas at Quarterly Meeting. The children of the Quarter will present vignettes about George Fox, father of Friends of Truth
Quaker Family Businesses & the Development of Wilmington
Sally O’Byrne, a member of Wilmington Monthly Meeting and author, historian, environmentalist and birder presents is an a great overview of Quaker Business Development in Wilmington in the 19th century.
Quarterly Meeting at West Chester - Transforming Principles into Practice
Join West Chester U Professor and Fallsington Meeting member tonya thames taylor as she helps us explore a spiritual perspective that bears witness that God reveals self-light without respect of person or nation.
Quarterly Meeting at Willistown
Hiding your light under a bushel? Paul Indorf from the PYM Membership Development Granting Group helps us open up about the joys of our faith with the people we meet.
Concord/Western Quarter Together on April 23
Concord and Western Quarters will host a joint Quarterly Meeting at Westtown Meeting. There will be separate Meetings for Business, a combined Worship, and participation in the unique theater experience of Yes...AND Playback Theater
Quarterly Meeting at Goshen - Telling Our Stories
National events and internal tensions within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting have focused attention on racism and white privilege. As we at Goshen Monthly Meeting began corporately to take stock of our experience of racism and to seek ways to address its effects, we devised a series of queries to help us focus our experiences and questions