Olivia Brangan shared the following communications:
“The Spiritual Formation Retreat seeks to ground and center participants in a deeper communion with Spirit while preparing individuals to participate, listen, and learn for the upcoming PYM Annual Sessions week together. The Sessions Retreat’s theme is ‘Getting There from Here’, based on PYM’s Sessions Coordinating Committee (SCC) theme of Across Generations’.
The Spiritual Formation Collaborative is happy to share that Clinton Pettus will facilitate our time together for the retreat. Clinton is a member of Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in psychology from Virginia State University and a Ph.D. in personality psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Attached you will find a welcome letter from the Spiritual Formation planning group, as well as a photocopied document from Clinton, written by Isabel Wilkerson (2020) called “Part Two, The Arbitrary Construction of Human Divisions,” Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents.”
The Retreat opened space to experience Trust Circles wherein Friends held space for open, vulnerable and transparent dialogue with one another. Experiences were shared and thoughts were reflected upon based on prompts given to small breakout groups. A past PYM event holds more information on the basics of a trust circle and its elements.