Parents' Morning Off with Western Quarter November 23, 2019

16 children from Concord and Western Quarters joined 4 adults and a Westtown student helper for a morning of crafts, including cookie decorating, outdoor play (frazzlerham - a Quaker game from Baltimore Yearly Meeting) and a pizza lunch. Lots of fun for all! One child wanted to know when we were going to do it again!

Posted on February 18, 2020 .

Hayride and Campfire Potluck Oct 6 2019

37 people came of all ages and enjoyed the hayride at Wynnorr Farm, grilling by Bruce Harrison and s’mores over the fire.  It was nearly rained out, but the rain held off.! Thank you to Joe Stratton for hosting us at the farm!

Posted on February 18, 2020 .

Concord QM Square Dance February 9, 2019

About 40 people of all ages attended this year’s Square Dance in Willistown Meeting’s wonderful social room. With the Thornbury Ramblers and Alan Crosman calling, everyone could dance as much as they wanted. Snacks were plentiful and the Creaky Knees Cloggers danced for us too! For pictures click here and here

Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Concord QM Square Dance - Feb 24, 2018

Another great Square Dance Social as F(f)reinds of the Quarter clapped their hands and promenaded and do-si-doed all around Willistown's marvelous Social Room. With toe tapping music by the Thornbury Ramblers  and Alan Crosman's excellent calling, young and old had a wonderful time. Click the link below for the photos and 2 videos.

Posted on April 3, 2018 .

A Spiritually Led Quaker Decision Making Workshop with Deborah Fisch

On Saturday, March 22, about 30 Friends and attenders from Concord Quarter and other Quarters were blessed to hear stories, practical tips and spiritual practices that breathed new meaning into the Meeting for Worship with attention to Business. By the end of our four hours with Deborah Fisch many of us felt gathered into a spiritual location that we hadn't thought existed.

Posted on March 24, 2014 .

Quarterly Meeting at Wilmington January 26, 2014

Over 30 Friends and attenders participated in Meeting for Business. Meeting approved endorsing a travel minute for Thomas Swain and a list serve purchase for Quarter business and publicity. Bruce James provided the Finance report and a process to refund Monthly Meetings that had paid for Coordinator expenses when that position was unfilled. Charlie Spadoni made his first Coordinator report and reported the results of last years Tuition fund distribution. A minute of appreciation for the Pemberton Fund's grant to support our October Visioning conference experience was approved. 

The presentation after Meeting for Worship was provided by Todd Krasnai, Brigette Burger and Zac Dutton. It was a very scaled down version of the workshop experience they had at the Visioning conference in October. We generated a list of activities which Meetings could do to achieve effective in reach and outreach. These will be distributed to our various lists and posted on our website soon.

Posted on January 26, 2014 .

Quarterly Meeting Friends attend Visioning Conference in Great Britain

 Several months ago, Thomas Swain of Middletown Meeting, had a sense that a Quaker conference happening in Great Britain would be an opportunity for Friends in our Quarter. The Kindler's, a Quaker group in England responsible for Quaker Quest, had put together a conference titled "Visioning New Fire, A weekend conference working for Quaker Renewal", and through Thomas' connection with the group, they were making 3 slots available for Friends from our Yearly Meeting.

note: Brigitte Burger and Todd Krasnai will be reporting on their trip at the October 27 Quarterly Meeting Meeting for Business 

Posted on October 21, 2013 .