Quarterly Meeting at West Chester April 28, 2013

​Meeting approved to "Grow the TEF (Tuition Endowment Fund)" over the next 3 years with an ad hoc committee was formed to support it. Also we approved attempting to send a young adult Friend to an "inreach" workshop at Woodbrooke in England in October titled "Visioning New Fire with the Kindlers" . Click that title for more info.

We were entertained and deeply moved ​by author Janet Olshewsky's reading from her book titled "The Snake Fence" published by FGC, a book about a teenage Quaker boy from Chester County who has experiences with violence during the French and Indian War. Janet is a very thoughtful retired English teacher who has a very engaging  manner. She read us a chapter where the lead character is faced with leaving an injured opponent behind in the woods or helping him out. Very nicely done.

The children made Indian crafts relating to the same era as the Snake Fence ​time setting. They learned about William Penn's relationship with original settlers of the area.​

Please click here to go to our Documents page for the April QM minutes. ​

Posted on April 29, 2013 .