Quarterly Meeting at Willistown - July 21, 2013

Location Willistown Monthly Meeting is located at  7069 Goshen Rd Newtown Square PA 19355. Please see the map at: 

8:15-8:45         Sign-in

8:45-10:00       Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

                        (Nursery Care will be available 8:45-12:15)

                        Youth Program (From 8:45-12:15--See Below For More Information)

10:15-11:00     “Turning Leadings Into Action”

11:15-12:15      Meeting For Worship

                        (Youth Will Join From 11:15-11:30)

12:15                Lunch

 “Turning Leadings Into Action”

A multigenerational conversation on discerning leadings and turning them into action. 

Youth Programs: Elementary and Middle School

The Youth Programs at July Quarterly Meeting will be provided for both Elementary and Middle School aged children!

For the younger children: A program with Laurie Dilzer and the Willistown Meeting First Day School Committee. 

For the older children: A program witn Carol Metzker (author of Facing the Monster: Slavery Then and Now). Children will explore how to take action when confronted with something in the world that they feel compelled to change. They will learn from Carol’s experience and will discuss how even small actions can have a larger impact on the world.

Encourage your entire Meeting, including the First Day School, to come to Willistown!

Location:  Willistown Monthly Meeting is located at 7069 Goshen Rd Newtown Square PA 19355. Please see the map at: https://concordquarter.squarespace.com/meeting-maps/     Download the flyer

Posted on April 30, 2013 .