Quarterly Meeting at Westtown - October 27, 2013

8:15 to 8:30 - Sign in

 8:30 to 10:15 -  Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business including report from Kindler's Conference in Great Britain.
 (Nursery Care will be available 8:30‐1:00) AND Youth Program (From 8:30‐1:00‐‐See Below For More Information)

10:15 TO 10:30 - Break
10:30 TO 11:30 - Meeting For Worship with Westtown School students
11:45 TO 12:45 - Program
 1:00 Shared Meal

“Why Fossil Fuel Divestment, and Why Particularly for Friends?”

Tom Jackson, Member of Dover Monthly Meeting (N.H.) will address some of the misconceptions and concerns about fossil fuel divestment and share why his Meeting decided divestment is particularly appropriate for Friends at this point in time. His presentation will be followed by small and large group worship sharing on queries related to the question of fossil fuel divestment and the potential role of Meetings.

Youth Program - Apple Butter, Canoeing, and Worship at the lake!

Youth programming during Quarterly Meeting at Westtown will be an exciting morning! Come help make apple butter followed by an opportunity for canoeing at the lake and a lakeside meeting for worship! Dress to be outside!

Encourage your entire Meeting, including the First Day School, to come to Westtown for Quarterly Meeting!

Location: Westtown Monthly Meeting is located at 975 Westtown Road West Chester PA 19380 on the campus of Westtown School. Please see the map on the Quarter’s website at: https://concordquarter.org/meeting‐maps/ 



Posted on July 28, 2013 .