Quarterly Meeting at Goshen - Telling Our Stories

Concord Quarterly Meeting
January 29, 2017 at
Goshen Monthly Meeting

8:15                 Sign-in
8:30-9:45        Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
10:00-11:00     Program
11:00-12:00     Meeting for Worship with Goshen Meeting
12:00-1:00       Light Lunch provided by Goshen Meeting

Our Similarities and Differences: Telling our Stories

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National events and internal tensions within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting have focused attention on racism and white
privilege. As we at Goshen Monthly Meeting began corporately to take stock of our experience of racism and to seek ways to address its effects, we devised a series of queries to help us focus our experiences and questions. In the hour we have for the Quarterly Meeting’s program, we will divide into groups to explore the queries we at Goshen have found valuable springboards to discussion and, we hope, finally to action. We see this program as an opportunity to share the process we at Goshen have undertaken rather than to present a final conclusion or plan of action.

Children’s Programs

For those three to ten years old, Sallie Welte will present a new Faith and Play story.

For middle schoolers we have invited Becky Birtha, a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting and a First Day School teacher, to read from her soon-to-be-published book Far Apart, Close in Heart, Being a Family When A Loved One is Incarcerated.

Childcare will be provided during Meeting for Business and Worship

For more info and a map to the meeting go to http://www.concordquarter.org/meeting-maps
or email concordquarter at pym.org

click here for the event flyer


Posted on January 9, 2017 .