Quaker Family Businesses & the Development of Wilmington

Concord Quarterly Meeting – January 28, 2018
Wilmington Monthly Meeting


8:15-8:30           Sign in
8:30-9:45           Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
9:45-10:00         Break
10:00-11:00        Meeting For Worship with Wilmington Monthly Meeting
11:00-12:00        Program-Quaker Family Businesses in Wilmington
12:00-1:00         Shared Meal

Quaker Family Businesses & the Development of Wilmington


Sally O’Byrne, a member of Wilmington Monthly Meeting and curious historian, environmentalist and birder, will provide an engaging presentation, filled with historical pictures, maps, photographs and other artifacts as she weaves the tapestry of Quaker families and their businesses that provided a dramatic uplift to the city of Wilmington.  Meet the Shipley, Tatnall, Hollingsworth, Bancroft, Pusey, and Canby families, as well as many others.


Support New Beginnings, Next Step

NBNS CLothes Closet duo_web.jpeg

Wilmington Monthly Meeting sponsors a clothing closet as a support for the New Beginnings, Next Step (NBNS) program.  NBNS is a peer-support group for Returning Citizens who are transitioning from incarceration back into productive community life.  Friends attending Concord Quarterly Meeting on January 28 are invited to bring donations to the clothing closet.  Particular needs are extra-large men’s pants (especially jeans and work clothes), warm socks, underwear, compression socks, and sweatshirts.  Outdoor wear and work boots are also needed.


Children’s Program
Young friends are invited to join the First Day School.  Youngest friends will be engaged in bible study, while older friends (2nd – 6th grade) will be exploring the peace testimony through reflection on excerpts from Faith and Practice. 
A service project will also be included.

Location: Wilmington Meeting   401 N West Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
For more info and a map to the meeting go to http://concordquarter.org/meeting-maps/
You can also email Lynne Piersol, Coordinator, at concordquarter@pym.org
Click Here to download event flyer


Posted on January 1, 2018 .